Virtual Gallery

Steps and Processes

  • Research various gallery layouts on google images

  • save images and floor plans which aligned with exhibit idea which were modern and contemporary

  • create a floor plan which included a courtyard, side walkways, natural lighting, open floor plan, and vegetation


  • Rhino was utilized to lay the foundation of everything seen from the interior, exterior, and the surrounding structures as well.

  • Objects were color coded and grouped accordingly for easier work flow and management as there were more than one of the same object.

  • The virtual exhibit takes on a modern/contemporary style which features open spaces, simple movements, and clean lines.


  • Blender was utilized to apply textures to all surfaces/objects featured in the exhibit and surrounding area.

  • Smooth white walls, dark hard wood floors, and greenary were the main factors of this exhibit

  • Images used for the textures were from google images, applied using UV mapping, and scaled to proportion


  • with Unreal engine being a game engine, this is where features such as physics are applied

  • Player surface collision, landscaping, and sunlight were all done in unreal for environmental design

  • Unreal is also where plants and other forms of vegetation were added

Unreal Engine

Overview photos

The Virtual Gallery project was a monumental experience for Devin because it was his first major exposure to architectural design. The fun and freedom of being able to create his own gallery of his image while displaying his work was fun for him. Although this project did give him some trouble as at the time he was still learning Blender and Unreal, he was still able to overcome his troubles. In the end, the exhibit came out a lot better than he had envisioned it. So overall, a job well done for his first 3D building project and this also spurred an interest for architectural design from Devin as well.
