Branding Project: CNH

Steps and Processes

  • began with logo development as that would be the face and branding for the non-profit. Lots of trial and error and ended up scrapping initial mockup and the current monogram

  • Logo is made of multiple silhouettes of people arranged in a circle with their hands and feet connected to each other.

  • Logo is to represent community, aid, and inclusiveness

Adobe Illustrator

  • Started mockups for website , brochure, resume, etc.

  • Focus was to establish a look for the brand and align it with other applications

Adobe InDesign

  • downloaded mockups for real life applications

  • applications such as bags, canopies, business cards, etc.

  • mockups were chosen based on what a non-profit would actually use in relation with their brand

Adobe Photoshop

This project served as a great learning experience for Devin because this was his first major branding assignment since it involved creating everything for the brand from the very start with the logo to the very end with applying that to various applications such as a hat. Even though Devin underwent much trial and error with the logo design and the website, in the end, he is happy to see everything come together with the brand. Devin has found a new aspiration for branding and takes interest in the design process.
